Is determined for a cheap and fast protection of technical solutions (contructions, electric connections, chemical compositions of preparations) that are new, exceed a general technical knowledge (an inventive step is not required) and that are industrially applicable.
All the production processes or work activities are excluded from the utility model protection. The protection time of utility model lasts 4 years, however it may be 2x extended in each case for another 3 years. The maximum validity term of the utility model is 10 years.
The protection by utility models registration can be provided even abroad, but not in all countries of the world (please contact our office for current information).
Priority of a solution (preference based on the filing date of the application): an applicant (or his successor in title) can use its first filing date in one country as the effective filing date in another country, provided that the applicant files another application within 12 monts from the first filing.